Easily fabricated and has an attractive finish
The metal is easily fabricated and has an attractive finish and is widely used in a range of industries including construction, automotive, medical and food processing.
There are more than 150 grades of the metal but around 15 are generally used in everyday applications.
Despite its relatively high strength, the material is malleable enough to be folded, machined, welded and finished in a wide variety of textures.
Modern fabrication technology allows the stainless steel to be cut, welded and processed as quickly and efficiently as other non-ferrous metals.
But, to ensure high-quality fabrication and to avoid any cross-contamination, it is important that workshops maintain separate processing facilities for ferrous and non-ferrous materials.
A quality steel fabricator must possess the technology, equipment and processes to produce quality products with ease.

More about stainless steel fabrication
Industrial applications
Stainless steel components are commonly used in food processing industries, the medical sector and for other hygiene-conscious products
High chromium grades are also extremely valuable for use in catering equipment, heating and ventilation systems, and the manufacture of products such as boilers, heaters and heat exchangers.
Common stainless steel fabrication projects at KMF include outdoor forecourt and vending machinery and conveyor systems for the food processing and packaging industries.
Food Processing
Advantages of using stainless steel
It is a metal can be fabricated using conventional techniques and, despite a generally higher cost, the benefits make this the most dependable metal for many fabrications.
The main advantages are:
- 100% recyclable: The material is fully recyclable and does not produce toxic run-off, making it a more environmentally friendly choice.
- Strength-to-weight benefit: High-strength duplex grades provide added strength to thinner material, providing a competitive advantage over other grades.
- Corrosion resistance: The addition of Chromium adds resistance to corrosion, fire and heat, with different grades for different environments.
- Easy maintenance: Finished products are long-lasting and require relatively little maintenance.
Various types of finishes
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